How And Where To Play The Online Omaha Card Game
Click on any banner on this page to play online Omaha Poker
Omaha is a variation of Texas Hold’em. To
begin, each player receives four down cards in
their hand and shares five board (community)
cards. Players determine the value of their five
card hand by using any two cards from their
hand with any three cards from the board. This
is the only way a player can formulate their
hand. The standard ranking of hands applies.
Omaha is a poker game in which each player receives four cards (hole cards)
dealt face down, while five cards are dealt face up on the table. All players play
their best five cards, but they must use exactly two of their four hole cards in
combination with exactly three of the five common cards on the table. The best
five-card poker hand among those in contention for the pot wins.Poker Game Betting
The betting starts after four cards are dealt to each player. These cards are
unique to each player. The next three cards (called flop cards or, simply, the flop)
are then dealt in the center of the table. These cards are community cards and
are part of each active player’s hand. A second round of betting occurs. The
fourth community card (the turn card) is dealt in the center of the table, followed
by another (third) round of betting.The final community card (the river card) is dealt in the center of the table,
followed by a final (fourth) round of betting. The turn and river cards are also
community cards used by all players. When all bets have been equalized, the
showdown takes place among the remaining players—also known as active
players—and the winner is declared. If only one player remains at the end of any
round, there is no showdown and the pot is awarded to that lone remaining player.
A player uses the best five cards among the combination of any two of his pocket
cards with any three of the community cards to determine his hand. (See Winning
Hands.) The software always ascertains which of the player’s hole cards to play in
combination with which community cards, and also always awards the pot to the
active player holding the best hand.
Check-and-raise is allowed in all Omaha games (except on the first round, when
a player, on his turn, must either bet or fold). The maximum allowable wager is
always indicated on the Bet prompt and the lowest allowable wager is the default
in the Bet window.
Bet Limits
When you first go to a table, an information box appears that tells you the name of
the game (“Welcome to Omaha Hi”), the limits and type of game (for example,
“$4/$8 Fixed Limit”), the blinds (for example, “Blinds: $2/$4″), and the buy-in (for
example, “Minimum Buy-In $40″). In a pot-limit game, a maximum buy-in is
enforced. The minimum buy-in is generally 20 times the size of the big blind. So,
for example, when you sit down at a $0.25-$0.50 pot-limit Omaha High game, you
will see in the information box “Maximum Buy-in $50.” If you click Sit Down and try
to buy in for less than $10, a notice pops up that reads “You need to post a
minimum buy-in of $10 to play at this table.”
Fixed-Limit Games – The software enforces the bet limits, which are determined
by the stakes offered at the particular table. For example, at a $2-$4 table, the
limit on any bet is $2 on the first two betting rounds and $4 on the final two betting
rounds. There is a bet and three raises allowed in each individual round. Each bet
or raise is at the limit for that round. Thus, the first player to bet in the first round
of betting has the choice of folding or betting $2. If someone has made a bet, the
next player has the choice of folding, calling the $2, or raising $2 (making the total
bet at that point $4). If there has been a raise, the next player has the choice of
folding, calling the $4, or raising $2 (making the total bet at that point $6).
Fixed Limits
Choose from:
$.02-$.04, $.25-$.50, $.50-$1, $1-$2, $2-$4, $4-$8, $8-$16, $15-$30 and
$40-$80 fixed limit games.
Pot-Limit Games – The minimum bet at the start of each round is the amount of
the big blind wager. The maximum eligible bet is the amount of money currently in
the pot. The maximum allowable bet is calculated as the pot size after an individual
calls all existing wagers. For example, if there is $10 in the pot and Player 1
wagers $5, then Player 2 could call $5 or raise up to an additional $20. That is,
when Player 2 puts her $5 into the pot, the pot becomes $20. She could just call
the $5, or raise any amount from $5 to $20. Thus, she could put in a maximum of
$25. During the course of a round of betting, a bet size cannot decline. (A bet or
raise must equal or exceed the preceding bet or raise.) If someone bets or raises
$5, then the next player’s minimum raise would be $5. You could not, for example,
raise a $5 bet by $2. (Exception: You can always go all in—wager all of your
remaining chips—even if that amount would cause you to make a raise smaller
than that permitted by this rule.)
Choose from:
$.01/$.02 with a maximum buy-in of $2.00
$.10/$.25 with a maximum buy-in of $25.00
$.25-$.50 with a maximum buy-in of $50.00
$.50-$1 with a maximum buy-in of $100.00
$10-$20 with a maximum buy-in of $2000.00
Our house rake is between 0% and 5% of the pot size up to a maximum of $3
depending upon the game bet limit. Individual games are capped at an amount
less than or equal to $3.
Posting to Enter a Game
New players can enter a game in the big blind position to avoid paying the new
player post, which is equivalent to the big blind. A new player can choose to post
the equivalent of the big blind to enter the game at any time except when he is
between the button and the big blind position. A returning player who has missed
the big blind or small blind can choose to post the missed blinds and reenter the
game, as long as he is not between the button and the big blind position. A seated
player who has missed the blinds or a player just sitting down can always choose
to wait for the blind, that is, sit out until the blind gets to him.
Other Important Points
Buy-In – When you first sit down to the table, you are prompted with “Enter $ to
buy in.” The amount displayed to you is set to default to your entire account
balance. If you wish to take a lesser amount to the table, simply override the
amount in the box by typing in the desired buy-in amount. The minimum buy-in is
generally 10 times the small bet, although that amount is higher for no-limit and
pot-limit games. Also see “Bet Limits” above.For pot-limit and no-limit games, the maximum buy-in amount is 100 times the big
Omaha Dealer – (Our dealers never sleep, and they don’t accept tips!) – Our
virtual dealer strictly enforces all game rules. The starting dealer position, or
dealer button, is chosen at random and moves clockwise one player after each
hand.To start a hand, the cards are dealt in a clockwise direction from the dealer
button. All new players to the game must either post the equivalent of the big blind
or wait for their turn in the big blind. (Also see “Posting to Enter a Game” above.)
This prevents players from gaining an advantage by avoiding the blinds and
jumping in and out of games. Each time the cards are dealt, a new betting round
begins. A hand starts when the first card is dealt and ends when a winner is
Dealer Button – The yellow disk (labeled with a D) that moves from player to
player at the beginning of each hand is called the dealer button. It identifies the
current dealer position—as if that player were actually dealing the cards. The
player at this location is said to be on the button. After each completed hand, the
dealer button moves one player to the left.
Betting Order
The Omaha cards are dealt in a specific order and betting also takes place in a
specific order. The order is as follows:
Blinds – The small blind is a forced bet made by the player to the immediate left of
the dealer button (when you are viewing the table from behind the button). The
big blind is a forced bet made by the player to the immediate left of the small blind.
Small Blind – In our Omaha game, the small blind is a bet equal in size to one half
the game’s minimum bet, rounded down to the nearest unit. (For example, in a
$4-$8 game, the small blind is $2. Exception: In a $.05-$.10 game, the small blind
is $.03.)
Big Blind – In our Hold’em game, the big blind is a bet equal in size to the game’s
minimum bet. (For example, in a $4-$8 game, the big blind is $8.)
Missed Blinds – Players are required to post the small blind and the big blind
once per round or their equivalent upon reentry to the game if the blinds are
missed. The software will prompt you if you have missed one or both blinds to put
in the correct amount. You can also wait for the blind to get to your position. This
is called coming in on the blind. (The term also applies to when you first sit down.)
(Also see “Posting to Enter a Game” above.)
First Round – After the players in the blind positions put their blinds into the pot,
the dealer deals four cards (pocket or hole cards) to each player, at which time
each player can see his own cards but not those of his opponents. On the first
round only, the betting starts with the player to the left of the big blind, who has
one of three choices, call, raise, or fold. On the first round only, a player cannot
check (make no bet) and still retain his hand. On the first round only, the player in
the small blind position acts after the button. The player in the big blind position
acts after the small blind.
Raise/Call/Check/Fold – Once a betting round has started you must select one
of these options from the popup box that appears when it is your turn. If you
choose one of the automatic options, your bet is made automatically on your turn.
If you select Sit Out or you close the window after a round has started, your bet
will be considered a fold. If your connection is lost, your hand will be played as an
all-in bet. (This feature is restricted to a maximum number of times per day, to
prevent individuals from gaining an advantage by purposely allowing themselves
to be timed out.)
Option – The player who has the big blind is given the option to raise, check, call,
or fold when it is his turn. If no one has raised, the big blind has the option of
checking (that is, not increasing the bet) or raising (the prompt says Bet).
Succeeding Rounds – In all rounds except the first, the betting starts with the
first active player to the left of the button, who has one of three choices, check,
bet, or fold. Until there is a bet, each succeeding active player has the same
choices. Once a bet is made, each succeeding player then has in turn one of
three choices, call, raise, or fold.
At the Showdown
At the showdown, if more than one active player remains, the software displays all
hole cards, and awards the pot to the holder of the highest hand.